I am now retired, but in 30 years the specialty practice of general surgery. As a board-certified specialists, I have noted the many medical problems of our colleagues in the face. I think the public is not aware of the pressures that are applied to the medical community.
The public wonders why doctors leave the state in a state of practice with lower malpractice rates. They wonder why so many people leaving the profession and early retirement. You are notrealize, or perhaps do not even relate to the fact that misconduct rising prices - especially because of frivolous complaints or complaints are unfounded. Insurance benefits were reduced, unbelievable, and Medicare has continued to reduce its performance.
That is a huge squeeze play to reduce where many practitioners believe that to rise as their office costs and overheads continue and further their income, they are not able to practice medicine. MostThese people started their careers as physicians with high ideals, and they were trampled to this day. What was once considered a challenge, but a call for wonderful life is now the second set and the best people are smart enough not to go into medicine.
A sad story immediately comes to mind. This is the story of a good OB GYN doctor who was a bachelor. And as a result, the medicine was the greatest thing in his life. He took his office, every candidate, regardless of theirAbility to pay. He had a high percentage of non-payers. He continued to do so, and the result was a very large practice. So he had more than most of the operations and more on the potential medical legal problems.
Because of these facts, which he had more than a certain number of processes that the insurance company would accept. I do not know the number of frivolous claims or lawsuits without merit, that were brought against the doctor, but I know that was the doctor to get avery competent people. His insurance put it.
When did the insurance company, he could no longer practice because the hospitals require a physician to have a large amount of insurance. This is the hospital, because if the doctor is sued, protect and sue them all, which could possibly be associated with it. These include the hospital. In this case, when both the hospital and the doctor of the hospital will be sued, many times to take the brunt of the problem because of their"Deep Pockets". This means that the lawyers come to the hospital because they have more assets than an individual doctor. The result was that the doctor could no longer practice medicine. He was a very good man, and, indeed, would many of the doctors who send their wives to him for treatment, because they knew of his expertise.
This is one of many sad stories. It is one of the things to think if in the not too distant future, an individual is not able to find a doctor,willing to do the necessary operations.
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